
Got a minute? Let PicMonkey regale you with our favorite skill-sharpening tips and tricks. Ingest these bite-size nuggets of wisdom on topics ranging from professional projects for social media, blogging, and branding to personal achievements like blowing up your friends’ social feeds with amazing pics. Instant awesome: just add PicMonkey.

11 Common Photo Editing Mistakes to Avoid

Like chocolate, Netflix, and the rest of life’s greatest pleasures, it’s easy to go overboard with P...

Iceland Photos: A Terrain of Otherworldly Grandeur

Drink in the dramatic landscapes in these Iceland photos taken by Frits Haberman, and learn a few so...

How to Photograph The Geminid Meteor Shower

This year, this very weekend, NASA estimates a rate of 120 meteors per hour. It's the biggest of the...

How to Calibrate Your Monitor

Learn why calibrating your monitor is essential to good image editing, and get tips for doing it for...

The Quintessential Guide to Blue Hour Photography

The next time you’re traveling or even exploring your hometown, take the time to scope out some Blue...

Holiday Gift Guide for Photographers

The holidays are bearing down on us like an express train made of candy canes and jingles. What the ...

Concert Photography Tips for Rock Star Photos

Exhilarating. Unpredictable. Poorly lit. Welcome to the fun and challenging world of concert photogr...

New, New, New Features to Love

Get to know the new features that are soon to be a regular part of your photo editing life: before-...

Fall Photography Tips

Autumn is a tremendous time of year to get outside and shoot both stunning vistas with high-end equi...

Make a Stellar Picture Quote With These Simple Tips

Learn six tips for creating great quote graphics, and make John Bartlett roll over in his grave. Plu...

Touch Up and YouTube Thumbnail Tips from Miss Remi Ashten

We partnered with YouTube star Miss Remi Ashten to share her go-to PicMonkey features with you. Firs...

7 Composition Tips for Stunning Fashion Photography

Composition tips for the style-minded and fashion foward photographer. Rule of thirds and other esse...

Spinning Yarns: 6 Ways to Get Your Photos to Tell the Story

What takes an image from a snapshot to visual storytelling? Find out with these six tips for telling...

8 Essential Landscape Photography Tips

Capture fantastic nature shots with these 8 essential landscape photography tips.

5 Solutions for Finding Light in Photography

Tough lighting conditions can be vanquished with these pro photo tips.