
Got a minute? Let PicMonkey regale you with our favorite skill-sharpening tips and tricks. Ingest these bite-size nuggets of wisdom on topics ranging from professional projects for social media, blogging, and branding to personal achievements like blowing up your friends’ social feeds with amazing pics. Instant awesome: just add PicMonkey.

5 Tips for Great Portrait Photography

Celebrity photographer Matthew Jordan Smith gives five amazing but simple tips to get stunning resul...

3 Fresh Looks for Text Mask

We've got three fresh, trendy (and trending) looks for text mask! Upgrade your words with glitter, o...

Cooking with Custom Effects: Flavorful Photo Filter Combos

Wanna immortalize your favorite photo effects? Get started with one of PicMonkey's favorite custom e...

Editing Tips for Top-Notch Headshots

Make sure your profile pics are head and shoulders above the rest with these headshot editing quick ...

4 Edits You Should Make to (Almost) Every Photo

Make these essential edits to all of your images, and let your friends think that you've acquired ma...

Become a Miniature Effect Master in Minutes

The miniature effect is HUGE right now, and we know you’re dying to be one of the camera-savvy cool ...

Rotate Your Images the Beyond-Easy Way

Do inverted selfies and slightly off-kilter cityscape shots have you ready to pull your hair out? Le...

11 Resources for Public Domain Images

From vintage to modern, our roundup of public domain images brings you a few of our favorite sources...

Tutorial: the Curves Tool

Ahh, the mysteries of Curves. Maybe you've asked yourself before, "What is it? How does it work? Am ...

Tips for Standout Senior Photos (and What to Do Once You Have ‘Em)

Graduation is closer than you think, and we've got tips for taking unforgettable senior photos.

Crop it to Me: How to Crop Photos

Cropping will be your new #PEBFF (Photo Editing Best Friend Forever) after you find out how easy pea...

How Exposure Works

Exposure: Is it controlled by magical elves, or by a combination of aperture, shutter speed, and sen...

4 Ways to Prep for Your Family’s First Pro Photo Shoot

Get great tips on preparing for your family's first portrait photography session. Learn how to wrang...

Composition Tips for Fab Photography

Composition makes or breaks a photograph. Improve your shots by learning these easy tips for framing...

3 Personal Branding Stories That Show It’s Easier Than You Think

Personal branding: what even is it? We answer that question and provide three simple tips for helpin...