Test Driving New PicMonkey – What Users Like You Are Saying

With the launch of New PicMonkey, we decided to throw a little soiree at PicMonkey HQ and invite some friends to try it out. Earlier this spring, folks from as near as Wenatchee and as far as Dublin came out to test drive New PicMonkey (and have some fun).

From right to left, Ashley Rose, Allyson Fulcher and Kelly Etz, Jennifer Jaden, Lisa Berg, and Tyler Shelton ride a trolley on a tour of Seattle.

The PicMonkey crew at Kerry Park.

On the first day of their visit, we took our new friends on a tour of Seattle, stopping at some of our favorite sites including Pike Place Market and Kerry Park. The next day we got down to business with a hands-on demo of New PicMonkey. Check out this video to see some of what they had to say:

Additional thoughts

New PicMonkey is here! Take it for a spin:
Tanya Friedland

Tanya is a copywriter at PicMonkey, a company that has greatly improved her life by allowing her to Zombify her friends and Santa-ify her enemies. A native Seattleite, she dreams of one day being a contestant on The Price Is Right.