Free Poster Maker

PicMonkey poster designs, showcasing Editor functionality like adding a text layer or adding gradient colors to your design.

Take your poster designs to the next level with our free poster maker, equipped with professional templates, images, graphics, fonts, and easy-to-use design tools.

PicMonkey poster designs, showcasing Editor functionality like adding a text layer or adding gradient colors to your design.

How to make a poster in PicMonkey

Select your poster template

Browse through our poster templates, or start from scratch with a blank canvas.

Edit the title and copy

Swap the template’s text with your own. Customize font type, size, and spacing. Make your text pop with effects like Outline or Drop Shadow.

Customize further

Add images or graphics if appropriate. Use on-brand colors and customize your look with easy-to-use design tools.

Download and print

Download and print your poster. It autosaves in PicMonkey’s cloud storage so that you can edit at any time.

More poster design essentials

PicMonkey’s free poster maker has everything you need to make attention-grabbing designs.