PicMonkey News

New Customization Updates to Collage

Your friendly neighborhood Collage tool just got some luv from our engineering team. Come see the ne...

The New Levels Tool, Explained

Add some pop to your pictures with our handy Levels tool which lets you play with color, contrast, a...

New, New, New Features to Love

Get to know the new features that are soon to be a regular part of your photo editing life: before-...

New & Improved Exposure Tool

We opened up the Exposure tool to allow for more customization because, hello, we think you should h...

New Feature: Before & After

The new before and after feature gives you a view of your original image, so you can make sure that ...

$1,000 PicMonkey College Scholarship

PicMonkey’s all about making web apps do your bidding; how about letting it pay your bills? Announci...

Frits Habermann Joins the Helm of PicMonkey

Excuse us for gushing, but PicMonkey just got a booster shot of SweetPhotoMagic with our new chief t...

PicMonkeySmarts Pinterest Contest

It's our back to school Pinterest contest! Enter a board of resources, activities, and other fun sch...

Gender Shmender: Photography Survey Tells All

Time to check your assumptions: PicMonkey’s photography survey revealed some fascinating details abo...

Meet Our 2015 PicMonkey Scholarship Winner

Do yourself a favor: read this beautiful essay on the power of music and photos to transcend all bou...

Leaked PicMonkey Love Letter

Someone's secretly crushing on PicMonkey and why not? There's just so much love about our photo Edit...

PicMonkey Pin Your Love

How do you love PicMonkey? Count the ways on Pinterest for our Valentine's contest.

We Can’t Even 2015

In the interest of communal motivation, we’ve decided to share our New Year’s resolutions for 2015.

FrankenPet Halloween Contest

We’ve partnered with fellow Seattle startup Rover.com to put together a spectacular Halloween contes...

Ahead, in the Cloud

Got your head in the clouds? So do we, with our new Microsoft OneDrive cloud storage integration.