Holiday Photo Projects to Gift (or Hoard)

Looking for a quick, adorable way to bring some cheer this holiday season? We’ve got two delightful PicMonkey projects to keep you warmed and entertained when the weather outside is frightful. They’re not only perfect for your friend (read: mother) who loves sentimental, homemade gifts, but they’re also a great way to spruce up your own living space. (Because aren’t the best gifts the ones we give ourselves?)

Project #1: Chic-ly framed designs

For this project, you’ll need:

To get started, create your design in PicMonkey. Feel free to nab one of our designs, or catch your inspiration out in the wild. When you’re done, save your design to Hub if you want to reuse it later and export it to your computer. Once it’s exported, print it out. Turn your design over so it’s facedown and use your pencil to trace the outline of the back of your frame. Cut out your design and place it in the frame. Then just set down, hang, or wrap that baby up, cuz you’re done!

Project #2: Wood block photos

For this project, you’ll need:

  • Wood blocks

  • Acrylic paint

  • Mod Podge

  • Sponges

  • Scissors

  • The PicMonkey Editor

Start by painting your wood blocks with two coats of acrylic paint and let dry. Choose which pics are lucky enough to be memorialized on wood and then start editing. You’ll want to crop in a bit on your subjects and turn the photos black and white. Print them out, making sure that they take up the right amount of space on the printer paper to fit onto whatever size wood block you have. Cut out your photo subjects and place them on the blocks. Then apply a layer of Mod Podge, let dry, and apply a second layer. Once it’s dry, your masterpiece is complete!

Get a PicMonkey membership and turn your ingenious image ideas into reality.
Tanya Friedland

Tanya is a copywriter at PicMonkey, a company that has greatly improved her life by allowing her to Zombify her friends and Santa-ify her enemies. A native Seattleite, she dreams of one day being a contestant on The Price Is Right.