
Back to School Projects with School U Theme

Extra credit time: try a set of valedictorian-level back to school projects using our School U them...

PicMonkey Staffers’ Facebook Collages

Reinvigorate your Facebook cover photo with inspiration (and sizing tips) from the crew at PicMonkey...

Rock it Smart with School U

Our School U theme gives photos and collages the look of corkboards, notebook paper, and yearbook pa...

Eight Heartwarming Mother’s Day Ideas

Whether the mom in your life bounces her kids on her knee or chats over a cuppa jo with them, here a...

Photo Walk to the Pie Shop

Discover the coolness of photo walks with a demo from the PicMonkey team.

Movember: We Grow Hair Because We Care

Facial-hair-challenged? Use PicMonkey's mustache overlays to show your support for men's health in M...

Word from the Monkey

A word from our monkey sponsor, or: prepare to have your mind blown. You've been warned.