Make backgrounds transparent in seconds

Surfer woman holding surfboard in wetsuit. Background of image being removed using PicMonkey's background eraser.

Make backgrounds transparent with PicMonkey Pro’s easy background eraser. Nail your product pics, thumbnails, logos, and more.

Surfer woman holding surfboard in wetsuit. Background of image being removed using PicMonkey's background eraser.
Man in black hoodie and jeans jumping and kicking over photo and graphic background. Small version of same image to the right, showcasing PicMonkey's background eraser feature.

Experience the one-click magic

No matter what you need, PicMonkey’s tools empower you to be your own designer. Just open a photo, click Remove background, and poof! Gone.

Fine-tune edges with eraser & paintbrush

Make a color background

Get on-trend looks with Outline

Download as a PNG to keep transparency

Man in black hoodie and jeans jumping and kicking over photo and graphic background. Small version of same image to the right, showcasing PicMonkey's background eraser feature.

The fastest tool for erasing backgrounds

“My life is so much easier with one-click background eraser. It used to take 10-15 minutes to get the background perfectly white, now it’s seconds.”

-Lynne H, Owner of Hunter K9 Gear

Unlock our background eraser, endless stock assets, and so much more with PicMonkey Pro