Background Eraser

Woman with surfboard on beach. Photo background being erased with PicMonkey's Background Eraser tool.

Remove photo backgrounds fast with PicMonkey Pro’s one-click background eraser.

Woman with surfboard on beach. Photo background being erased with PicMonkey's Background Eraser tool.
Man in black hoodie and jeans jumping and kicking over photo and graphic background. Small version of same image to the right, showcasing PicMonkey's Background Eraser tool.

Erase backgrounds the easy way

Create product photos, YouTube thumbnails, logos, and more in seconds. Once your photo background is erased, you can:

Add background colors

Replace with a new image

Outline for an on-trend look

Add to a new design

Man in black hoodie and jeans jumping and kicking over photo and graphic background. Small version of same image to the right, showcasing PicMonkey's Background Eraser tool.

Pro looks every time, no hassle required

“My life is so much easier with one-click background eraser. It used to take 10-15 minutes to get the background perfectly white, now it’s seconds.” -Lynne H, Owner of Hunter K9 Gear

Bring your designs to life with PicMonkey Pro