PicMonkey Help & Support

Subscription levels

PicMonkey offers two levels of individual subscriptions: Basic and Pro. PicMonkey also offers a Business subscription for multiple users; read more about PicMonkey Business. Basic:...

There are a number of powerful features and assets in New PicMonkey that were not available in Old PicMonkey. These are some of the top features that you will be able to start usin...

No. if you’re a Basic or a Pro subscriber in Old PicMonkey then you will be at the same subscription level in New PicMonkey, and your subscription cost will not increase because yo...

The Business subscription level is available to both individuals or teams. The subscription offers all Pro features plus unique features to help you manage your brand, work more pr...

The "PicMonkey Team Subscription" is now the "PicMonkey Business Subscription." Please see: What is a PicMonkey Business Subscription to learn more Existing or Former Team Subscri...

Different subscription levels have different capabilities in Hub.  Pro subscribers: can download files as PNG, JPG, or PDF, MP4, or GIF. They can upload their own fonts.  Basic sub...

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